Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week Six Journal #1

Getting home was never fun. It meant that I had nothing better to do than sleep and manage my miserable existence.

I never smoked in my small rented house. It cost an extra seventy five dollars a month for that privilege. I stepped out of my side door, since it was more convenient than walking all the way to the front, not to mention it didn’t directly face the street. I grabbed my cigarettes from my pocket and noticed I would be smoking the last one in my possession. I lit it up and didn’t inhale the first drag, a weird habit I had ever since I had started smoking.

I got about halfway through my cigarette and noticed something in my side yard. I could only see its shape, it looked about the size of a raccoon, although it did not move. Curious, I walked out into the yard and bent down for a closer look.

It was just a bunched up bedsheet. Why would someone place a bedsheet in the middle of my lawn? It wasn’t windy at all tonight, so there was no way a whole sheet made it’s way into my lawn.

Something rustled in the bushes to my back. I looked behind me. Nothing. I looked to the right. Still Nothing.

Next thing I knew I was on the ground, instinctively flailing my arms at whatever it was that just tackled me in my own damn yard. Teenagers these days have no boundaries whatsoever, I thought to myself. Thinking was a big mistake, because as fast as I was flailing my arms, there were two guys on top of me flailing theirs, although in a much more disciplined and aware manner.

I was out cold after what I estimated to be thirty seconds.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Very well written! I can see the scene very clearly! Reading this passage, by itself, leaves me wanting to turn the page and find out what's going on. Definitely makes the reader hungry for more!