Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week Nine Journal 2

Week 9 Journal 2 (Exercise 2 pg. 359)

“What the hell are you thinking, Jon?”

“Dude, we need to get our story straight, we can’t really do that if they are listening in on us can we?”

“No, I guess we can’t”

“Yeah, now you’re thinking.”

“I was kidding you idiot, god I swear you are stupid sometimes.”

“Me? Yeah, I’m the stupid one.”

“Let me recap today for your small little brain, I swear you have no short term memory: We went to the gas station and saw some dude rob the register, the cops are holding us here as witnesses, smashing up the microphone on the table is not going to do anything except make us look like idiots, and possibly get us, well, hopefully you, charged with vandalism.”



“But I thought we were in here because I snagged that pack of gum before we saw the robber.”

“Wow. You seriously need to get your brain checked, you really think that some cop would bring both of us in here because you stole a pack of gum?”

“I didn’t know, man, I just kind of freaked out.”

“And you had to smash this microphone, how are we going to explain that to the cop when he comes in here, huh?”

“I don’t know.”

“Let me rephrase that, how are YOU going to explain that?”

“Were in this together.”

“Ha, not at all. Oh look, I think that’s him coming now, better think quick.”

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